Wouldn’t it be nice if when you paid your $2.00 at the parking meter, you actually got so This electric car is quite normal and popular in Europe for years.”
The new sector’s growth is being propelled by a number of factors, including urbanisation, the need to address problems like congestion and pollution, a big drop in car sales to young people, and, of course, the availability of technologies that enable more flexible approaches.
Drivers simply hold their car2go member card to the windscreen to gain entry to the vehicle. The keys will be waiting inside so they can get going straight away. When they’re done with the vehicle, they end the session the same way they started it. The car doesn’t have to be used for a minimum or predetermined amount of time.
So yes, it’s exciting. And I would expect to see solar charging stations rearing their heads before long to keep the charging costs to a minimum and because of the great PR that comes with being green today. What a terrific way to avoid costs in a world with grand population! Many of us have come to look at our cars as our home away from home where we keep all our junk. And carrying it around from car to car doesn’t seem to make sense. But for those who are in cities who take subways to work or cycle, this is a great way to go “grab a car” when you need to!
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